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Mastering the

A Personal Letter to Business Development Professionals


As a Business Development Professional, you are faced with the daily challenge of finding new acquisitions, forging new alliances, arranging licensing agreements, negotiating contracts, doing due diligence, and analyzing mountains of data.


Over the last 15 years, I’ve had the opportunity and privilege of working with or training over one thousand people with business development responsibilities. Not a single one ever had a clear job description – they were just told to “figure it out.”


Figuring out how to create value in your company is oftentimes a daunting task. But one thing is almost a certainty: business developers who focus their energy on building a continuous stream of innovation – next and new generation technologies and new products – all add up to creating corporate growth, hence wealth.


In a recent project for a major corporation’s business development group, we were able to identify scores of ways to apply the Engines of Innovation best practices to the dramatically enhance their existing efforts.


But most importantly, business development is not just about “doing deals.” It is about what its name implies: building successful business. Our innovation architecture focuses on how your company addresses its outside relationships, whether through an alliance, acquisition, or license, to maximize the continual long-term flow of innovation.


As you surf this website, you will see numerous ways the Engines of Innovation can multiply the impact of your efforts.


I look forward to working with you in the future.


Robert Porter Lynch

For the Engines of Innovation Team


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